lamiee. | cruj



cruj is the ecstatic vibration in the stretching of time, the search for the spiritual through distorted and immersive sound. Four compositions of trance-inducing sound, for damaged samples, voice and percussions.

Nicholas Remondino | voice, synth, sampler, percussion

technical data

Most piano tracks recorded at Studio La Buissonne by Gérard de Haro

Additional Fender Rhodes tracks recorded at Studio Sextan by Arthur Gouret

Everything else (except field recordings) recorded at home by Jozef Dumoulin


recorded, mixed an mastered by Nicholas Remondino

artwork by Nicola Giunta

© Carton 2023

release 2023

cd | digital

ref cat croixcroix27


1. I - 16’47

2. II - 3’47

3. III - 8’41

4. IV - 1’52



internal links

Nicholas Remondino

croix-croixSeb Brunlamiee., cruj